Take a smartphone. Take a tablet. Merge the two and what
do you have? A phablet. And it’s more than just an awful
name. For these phablets are on the increase and they are set to
take up a unique space of their own. In general, they are between
five and seven inches and it is the next logical step in the pattern of
ever increasing phone screen sizes.
It seems people want more from their phones in the physical
sense and it’s not surprising. Although the larger form is more
cumbersome to hold, it makes for a considerably more comfortable
gadget to view. It will ensure that we use our mobile devices in a
very different way. Instead of having two devices – a smartphone
and tablet – we may increasingly see ourselves with just the one.
And because holding a seven-inch screen to the ear is Trigger Happy
TV daft, it may even encourage a rise in video calling.
Experts suggest the market for phablets is set to more than
double to 60.4 million units globally and while that is still small fry
compared to the markets for the two distinguishable devices, they
are perfect for those that want the best of both worlds, enabling for
an all-in-one, content-rich solution. And the gap between phone and
tablet will shrink ever further – the Huawei Ascend Mate has a
screen measuring a faintly ludicrous 6.1 inches!
The coming monthswill see many other manufacturers dip their toes in the phablet
waters, and as the ultimate convergence device you’re going to see
a lot more of them on the street too.
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