Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fix "Warning: No support for locale: en_US.utf"

This is because locale-gen is using an archive file to store all the locales, but many utilities are still looking for the locale files.

try using this line in terminal:
sudo locale-gen --purge --no-archive

That solve my problem. Hope it works for you too.

How to Set Up Google Gmail or Google Apps imap

Google Gmail Setting for Imap

Imap: Imap.gmail.com
Security: SSL (Always)

SMTP: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Security: SSL (Always)

Google Apps Setting for Imap

User: user@gmail.com
Imap: imap.gmail.com
Port: 993
Security: SSL (always)

SMTP: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Security: SSL (always)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Clear the DNS Cache on Computers and Servers

The following table provides instructions for clearing the DNS cache on computers and servers. The commands need to be run at the command prompt with administrator privileges.

Windows Go to Start menu -> Run -> Type cmd -> press Enter/Return ipconfig /flushdns
Mac OSX 10.4
Click the Terminal icon in the dock or in Finder (in /Applications/Utilities/) lookupd -flushcache
Mac OSX 10.5 & 10.6 (Leopards) Click the Terminal icon in the dock or in Finder (in /Applications/Utilities/) dscacheutil -flushcache
Mac OSX 10.7 & 10.8 (Lions) Click the Terminal icon in the dock or in Finder (in /Applications/Utilities/) sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
(Most Distributions)
Open a terminal window (gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm, etc.) sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

How to Clear the DNS Cache on Browsers

The following table provides instructions for clearing the DNS cache within common Internet browsers.

Clearing the DNS Cache on Browsers

The following table provides instructions for clearing the DNS cache within common Internet browsers.
Internet Browser                                                                    Clear the DNS Cache

Internet Explorer 8 (Win) Go to the Tools menu, select Delete Browsing History, check all boxes (except passwords, if desired) and click Delete.

Mozilla Firefox (Win & Mac) Go to the Tools menu, select Clear Recent History and check all boxes. Under Time range to clear select Everything (except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Now.
 Apple Safari (Win)
Expand the Cog Icon in the upper right corner and select Reset Safari. Check all boxes and click Reset.
 Apple Safari (Mac)
Go to the Safari menu, select Reset Safari, check all boxes and click Reset.
 Google Chrome (Win)
Expand the Wrench Icon in the upper right corner and select History and check all boxes. Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything (except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Browsing Data.
 Google Chrome (Mac)
Under Go to the Chrome menu, select Clear Browsing Data and check all boxes (except passwords, if desired). Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything and click Clear Browsing Data.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Install GNOME 3.6 for openSUSE 12.2

Two part section on how to install Gnome 3.6 on Suse 12.2
Part1- Before starting, make sure to have your openSUSE 12.2 installation fully updated, easiest by using
zypper patch

If needed, repeat the above until there is nothing left to be done… and NOW we’re ready for the FUN

zypper ar obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.6/openSUSE_12.2 GS36
zypper mr -r GS36
zypper dup --from GS36
(Should you see issues with obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.6/openSUSE_12.2, you can also use http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/GNOME:/STABLE:/3.6/openSUSE_12.2)

The steps explained:
adds a new repository, called by GS36, to your system
zypper ar obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.6/openSUSE_12.2 GS36 enables the repository to auto-refresh as needed. After all, you will want to get any updates we’re eventually to publish there as well

zypper mr -r GS36 Actually do perform the upgrade, preferring packages in GS36, allowing others to be pulled in as needed.
zypper dup --from GS36

Part2- Easier Installation of Gnome 3.6 

To install Gnome 3.6, follow these steps:

Add a new repository:
zypper ar obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.6/openSUSE_12.2 GS36

Enable auto refresh in repo:
zypper mr -r GS36

And perform an upgrade to install Gnome 3.6:
zypper dup --from GS36

Let us know of your experiences of Gnome 3.6 in OpenSuse.

NOTE: This has all been tested on pristine openSUSE 12.2 installations and is considered to work reasonably well. There are for sure small things to be cleaned out here and there (work is still in progress). NO tests have been done with any 3rd – party Repositories enabled!

Not responsible for damage to your system.

Install GNOME on openSUSE 12.2 KDE

Yast>Software Management> under view pick Pattern, then choose Gnome Desktop Environment and Gnome Base.

 That all! Then when you login choose the desktop you want to login. Remember you have to disable auto-login.

Enable minimize maximize and close buttons in all applications OpenSuse 12.2

One can easily enable minimize maximize and close buttons in all application windows in GNOME Shell. To do this we must open the command launcher (press Alt+F2). Then type in "gnome-tweak-tool" and hit return key.

 You can select "Shell" in the navigation tree on the left and then select the required option which is "All" in menu "Arrangement of buttons on the title bar" as shown below. One can also enable other cool options like date in calendar which gets displayed in top panel, configure shutdown options etc.

Install Java JDK / JRE for OpenSuse 12.2

 If you need java installation to enable you to develop applications then you need JDK(Java Development Kit). If you don't want to develop any application in java and you just want to run some jars and some applets in the browser like Firefox then what you would need is to install JRE and JAVA Plugin. Due to some licensing issues, Oracle (Sun) Java JRE cannot be distributed through the official repositories of openSUSE since openSUSE 12.1. Here is a official quick guide to install newest and secure version of Java. For people who just want the software and averse to long procedure i would suggest installing them from user maintained repositories. openSUSE don't guarantee any stuff downloaded from user maintained repositories. I usually install from user maintained repositories and they work just fine.

To install JRE (packages are named java-...-sun-plugin-...rpm) . Installing using plugin link will automatically pull in the required JREs.
You can get JRE 1.6 here. alternatively you can also use these one-clicks (1,2,3,4,5) on openSUSE 12.2 for a simpler simple install.
You can get JRE 1.7 here. Here are the one-clicks (1,2) for a openSUSE 12.2 simple install.

To install JDK (packages are named java-...-sun-devel-...rpm)
You can get JDK 1.6 here. Here are the one-clicks(1,2,3,4,5) for a openSUSE 12.2 simple install.
You can get JDK 1.7 here. Here are the one-clicks(1,2) for a openSUSE 12.2 simple install.

Install Mp3 support in OpenSuse 12.2

If you don't have mp3 support even after using the above one click and get error similar to the below screenshot in gstreamer based applications like Banshee then you may need to install the mp3 codec.

You can install mp3 codec through terminal by running the command "sudo zypper in gstreamer-0_10-fluendo-mp3".

 During installation you may get a end user agreement prompt (--more--). If you see this press enter or return key till it goes away. After scrolling to 100% it will ask you to press y to confirm installation.

Improve the desktops multimedia experience in OpenSuse 12..2

 Since the default openSUSE installation doesn't provide the ship codecs for any of the restricted multimedia formats like mp3 we need to install them manually. There is a famous "one-click" installation procedure to overcome this predicament here .

I use this  recommended one-click for gnome desktop is named "codecs-gnome.ymp". That is it, click on the one-click installer and be ready with the trusted mouse and click on "Agree / I trust" buttons that appears endlessly one after the other.

After the YaST installation exits press "Alt+F2" which opens the command launcher and type in "r" into the command launcher. This will refresh / restart your GNOME 3.X desktop.

Fix Time Problem with OpenSuse 12.2

Prior to 1972, this time was called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) but is now referred to as Coordinated Universal Time or Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). In openSUSE, UTC time will be selected by default if Windows is not detected. Normally, a Linux only, not a dual boot installation, should use UTC time. However, if you really do dual boot between openSUSE and Windows, then using UTC time will not work properly as Windows does not seem to handle this setting. This can cause a fight for your digital clock on each swap between the two Operating Systems.

Simple way to fix this issue.
Open terminal
1) For a UTC Setting Do this (recommended for users that don't dual boot with Windows):

su - 

echo -e "0.0 0 0.0\n0\nUTC" > /etc/adjtime
2) For a LOCAL Setting Do this (recommended for users that DO dual boot with Windows):

su - 

echo -e "0.0 0 0.0\n0\nLOCAL" > /etc/adjtime
You most likely need to restart openSUSE for a manual edit of this file to work properly. It is OK to use Local time no matter your reason if you wish to. Since this seems to be an issue with the DVD installation disk, it will likely remain that way for the entire life of openSUSE 12.2.

Monday, February 4, 2013

How to manage/remove startup Programs in Windows 7

From a run box type 'msconfig' and select the Startup Tab. You can uncheck the applications you wish to stop from loading with windows

Friday, February 1, 2013

Waterfox: Your New & Speedy 64-bit Version Of Firefox [Windows]

Waterfox: Your Speedy 64-bit Version Of Firefox [Windows Only]

 Why is going from 32-bit to 64-bit an important step? Virtually all computers that you can find today are capable of running 64-bit operating systems. 64-bit operating systems enable you to use more than 3.25 GB of RAM, and increase the performance of your system in certain cases.

 Memory management is also improved in 64-bit systems. In order to make use of this 64-bit capability, not only does the operating system need to be compiled for 64-bit machines, but the individual applications need to be as well. While 64-bit operating systems are capable of running 32-bit software (this is mainly the case for Windows; on other operating systems such as Mac OS X and Linux, it’s also possible but highly frowned upon), you won’t get the benefits that 64-bit software would provide.


Downloading and Installing

Getting and installing Waterfox is just as easy as with Firefox. Simply head over to their website’s download page, and scroll a little down to get the latest version. The page also states that you need to have the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) installed, but this is not an issue for Windows 7 64-bit users, but rather for those on previous Windows 64-bit versions. Additionally, the page lists links to the 64-bit version of the most common plugins so that you can have a smooth Web experience with your new 64-bit browser.

The amount of work necessary to switch to the 64-bit Firefox browser is pretty minimal. All you need to do is the following:
  • Install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) if necessary
  • Install 64-bit version of plugins if not already done
  • Install Waterfox
 Download Waterfox here

How to Set-up Hotmail on android

How to use Hotmail with android Stock client
Choose Exchange server settings
Domain\User name : user@hotmail.com
Password : 1234
Exchange Server : m.hotmail.com
Use secure connection (SSL) : check
Accept all SSL certificates : check

Bypass the Windows 8 log-in screen

If you don’t need the security of a lock screen and a log-in screen can bypass both through a few simple steps.
Windows 8 runs a tight ship by throwing up a lock screen and a log-in screen before you can dive in. But you can easily bypass those screens so you don’t have to type your password every time. Here’s how:
  1. From the Start screen, type netplwiz. The command for netplwiz, aka the User Accounts Control Panel, appears in the search results in the left pane. Click that command.
  2. In the User Accounts Control Panel, select the account you wish to use to log in automatically.
  3. Click off the check-box above the account that says “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.” Click OK.
  4. Enter your password once and then a second time to confirm it. Click OK.
  5. Restart Windows. Windows now bypasses the lock screen and the log-in screen to automatically take you to the Start screen.
  6. Change your mind? To re-enable the log-in screen, simply return to the User Accounts Control Panel using the steps above and click on the check-box for the “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer” option.
Running the netplwiz command to bypass the log-in process also works in previous versions of Windows. But it’s especially helpful in Windows 8, where the Lock screen and log-in screens are enabled by default.
Those of you trying out the Windows 8 Release Preview in a crowded office may want to keep the log-in screen turned on. But for anyone who doesn’t need the tight security, this process can shave off a couple of steps each time you want to launch Windows 8.

Switching PS3 from HDTV back to a Regular TV

Alright, step by step.
1) Hook up your PS3 to whatever TV you want with whatever cables you want
2) Make sure the PS3 is in the Standby mode (not on, but not completely switched off on the back)… The light on front should be red.
3) Hold the Power button on the PS3 down for 5-6 seconds until you hear 2 total beeps (not the PS button on the Wireless controller, but the power button on the console)
4) PS3 will reset video output and re-configure to new settings.

Dropbox can’t establish a secure connection

All connections to the Dropbox service are done using a secure connection (SSL). If you get an error that says “Cannot establish a secure connection,” it is probably due to one of the following reasons:
  • Your system time is off

    Your computer will compare your system date to the expiration date of our SSL certificate. If your system time is stuck in the past or so far in the future that it is outside of Dropbox’s SSL certificate expiration date, a secure connection will not be established. This is easily corrected by changing your system time to the current date.
  • You have a proxy or firewall blocking the Dropbox service

    Dropbox uses standard internet ports (80 and 443) to transfer data. However, many firewalls and security software will proactively block unauthorized or unknown internet services. Add Dropbox to your proxy or firewall settings as an exception to connect to the Dropbox service.

How to Play MKV Files on PS3

Just download PS3 Media Server
and voila.
Plus you can even see your external drive videos and music

Upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS to 12.10

1. Press the Superkey (Windows key) to launch the Dash and search for Update Manage
2. Click the Check button to check for new updates. If there are any updates to install, use the Install Updates button to install them, press Check again after that first update is complete — then press the Upgrade button.

How to find out your Ubuntu version

In order to use one of the following ways to identify Ubuntu version you have to open Terminal (go to Ubuntu main menu –> Accessories –> Terminal):
cat /etc/issue.net
This will show Ubuntu version number but without codename:
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS


lsb_release -a